Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Novel - The Ozone Cafe - Big, Bonza Greek Wedding

Vincenzo mused over the night’s events. He watched the children at the shore’s edge, Mandy helping them to build sandcastles. ‘Was a great wedding,’ he said, slowly lifting himself up from the sand. I had to laugh at Winifred telling Con to get stuff for the café. She’s got some spunk, that young girl.’

‘They’re business people,’ said Sandra. ‘They won’t take any notice of a young girl and what she wants.’

'Ah, trouble with Satara Bay,’ said Rennie. ‘It’s seasonal. You only do business in the summer time, Christmas, school holidays. It’s a bit like the fishing. You have to reel them in while they’re biting.’

‘Hey, look!’ Mandy yelled from the edge of the water. ‘There’s the happy couple, let’s go over and say farewell.’


Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Novel -The Ozone Cafe - Big, Bonza Greek Wedding

The day had been set for the picnic. Vincenzo realized that they would be all hung-over but it didn’t matter. Under the pine trees the cooling shade was a relief not only to their foreheads but to a thirty-two degree day.

They all had their heads craned over the Sunday paper.

‘This was no ordinary wedding’, repeated Winifred, slapping out the pages of the Times. She quickly folded the social columns so that she had a fourth of a page in her hands. ‘Listen to this,’ she said.


Friday, January 13, 2012

The Novel - The Ozone Café - Greek Boys (contd)

Winifred and Vincenzo walked along the esplanade, then moved further down the beach. Winifred stationed herself beside him in the shoals, scuffing her feet so that she made short splays of water. Of course, she was quiet for most of the walk back home. Suddenly she flipped a major arc of water out to sea, 'Vin, have you ever thought of doing another mural, somewhere. You know, so that I don't bug you about the one you sold, and well...maybe you could ask the Shire. You know, get permission to do a wall. Maybe, somewhere near the swings and barbeques?' Winifred raised her voice in a shrill tone as if this was the greatest idea she had in ages. 'Yeah, that's it!'

'Another one?'


Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Novel - The Ozone Café - Greek Boys (contd)

The three men rose from the cubicle, Dion moving off to serve a customer.

‘Okay, Vincenzo you helped build the café, so let’s have a look at the wall,’ said Con. ‘I think the café’s sound but I’m no builder. Maybe you can tell me what’s going on?’

Con released the bolt on the side door, the bright glare hitting their faces. Winifred followed. The courtyard buzzed indignantly. Palms crackled like rice paper. The brickpaving sprouted all manner of weeds and four green umbrellas lay on the ground, their folds waving like hands.

‘Let’s see.’ Vincenzo poked around inside the wall, his finger following a crack down the side to within inches of the mural. He sighed, then patted the seascape like you would a horse’s flank. ‘You see Winifred, the gods have been kind to us. There’s not a mark on it.’
