Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Novel - The Ozone Cafe - Big, Bonza Greek Wedding

Vincenzo mused over the night’s events. He watched the children at the shore’s edge, Mandy helping them to build sandcastles. ‘Was a great wedding,’ he said, slowly lifting himself up from the sand. I had to laugh at Winifred telling Con to get stuff for the café. She’s got some spunk, that young girl.’

‘They’re business people,’ said Sandra. ‘They won’t take any notice of a young girl and what she wants.’

'Ah, trouble with Satara Bay,’ said Rennie. ‘It’s seasonal. You only do business in the summer time, Christmas, school holidays. It’s a bit like the fishing. You have to reel them in while they’re biting.’

‘Hey, look!’ Mandy yelled from the edge of the water. ‘There’s the happy couple, let’s go over and say farewell.’


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